Romania’s Parliament Committee Stalls Ratification Of Treaties Signed With Syria In 2010
The president of the Romanian Senate’s foreign affairs committee, Titus Corlatean, said Wednesday that the committee has frozen procedures to ratify the treaties signed with a country which „represses its own people”.
Corlatean did not name the state he was referring to, but political sources told MEDIAFAX the treaties concerned are those signed in Bucharest in November 2010, when Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad visited Romania.
According to Corlatean, Romania should carefully weigh its moves regarding international affairs, as they might be regarded as a way of cooperating with a regime the EU and other international players disapprove of.
„We stick to this position and we’ll unfreeze ratification procedures once we have good reasons to do so,” said Corlatean.
On February 3, 2011, Romania’s President Traian Basescu signed the decrees allowing the Parliament to ratify the two treaties signed with Syria.
The treaties were signed by the two countries on November 10, 2010, on the occasion of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s two-day visit to Romania. They must be ratified by both Romania and Syria and will enter force once the two countries officially inform each other about having completed ratification procedures.