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Man Dies In E Romania From Ricocheted Bullet Fired In Police Car Chase

A young man died in the hospital Sunday in Galati, eastern Romania, after he was injured in the head by a ricocheted bullet Saturday in neighboring Braila, when police officers fired a warning shot to force suspects to stop their car.
Man Dies In E Romania From Ricocheted Bullet Fired In Police Car Chase
27 sept. 2009, 14:54, English

Hospital spokesman Nicolae Bacalbasa said the man died because of the serious injuries caused by the gunshot wound. The 30 year-old man was taken to the hospital in Galati in a fourth degree coma and was operated Saturday evening but his condition didn’t improve.

Police fired warning shots Saturday in Braila to stop a car which they suspected carried an internationally wanted felon. One of the bullets ricocheted from the car wheel and the man, who was driving, was injured in the head.

Police said the officers were entitled to use their weapons but added the wanted suspects was not in the respective car.