Businessman Dinel Nutu Held By Romanian Police

Publicat: 28 04. 2011, 18:47
Actualizat: 05 04. 2020, 22:51

Nutu will remain in the custody of the Bihor county police until he is picked up by a criminal investigations department squad.

He was apprehended on April 19 in Hungary, on the basis of a European Arrest Warrant issued by a Bucharest court. He will be driven to the border by Hungarian officers and released into the custody of Romanian police on Thursday.

On April 4, Dinel Staicu was sentenced to seven years in prison for accessory to abuse of office for his role in the bankruptcy of the International Bank of Religions (BIR). According to police, he had left the country the previous day. Earlier, Staicu had legally taken his wife’s last name, Nutu.