TI: Romania Scores Badly On Corruption Progress
The report analyzed Romania’s progress in several key-sectors for the fight against corruption: legal evolution, institutional changes and the evolution in public policies.
As to the state institutions in charge with fighting corruption, TI Romania’s report mentioned a “syndicated attitude of the High Council of Magistrates”, which showed a conservatory position toward justice reform and the fight against corruption.
The National Integrity Agency, which became operational recently, has a series of shortcomings as well, TI Romania said in its report. However, the Agency has yet to reach maximum potential, the report mentioned.
On the good side, the country’s General Anticorruption Department unfolded more investigations compared to 2006. In addition, public complaints against its lack of efficiency decreased, TI Romania said.
However, key domains such as access to public information, disciplinary actions at the level of public authorities and the leniency of sanctioning still pose serious problems, the report mentioned.