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Romanian Tour Cos Launch New Edition Of ‘A Week At The Seaside’ Progr

Romanian Tourism Employers Federation, or FPTR, has launched a new edition of the low-cost program “A week at the seaside”, meant to promote local tourism, FPTR said in a statement Tuesday.
Romanian Tour Cos Launch New Edition Of ‘A Week At The Seaside’ Progr
13 apr. 2009, 14:58, English

“Giving the current economic climate and poor promotion of the Romanian tourist destinations, particularly the seaside, FPTR believes more and more Romanian tourists are conned into spending the holidays abroad, lured by aggressive advertising with expensive and sometimes deceiving offers. Therefore, FPTR has decided to launch a new edition of the program “A week at the seaside” for the period May 4 – June 15, so that Romanians will be stimulated to spend the holidays in Romania,” FPTR said in the statement.
The tour packages offered through “A week at the seaside” program cost between 159 lei (EUR1-RON4.1263) per person for two-star hotels and RON399 per person for four-star hotels. The tariffs are inclusive of due VAT and the 10% fee for tour agencies.
Some 26 hotels registered with the program so far.
Tickets will be available at tour agencies in the next period.