Prosecutors Extend Ban To Leave Romania For Ex Agric Min

Romanian anticorruption prosecutors on Friday extended to March 3 the interdiction for former minister of agriculture Ioan Avram Muresan to leave the country, after the official was charged with committing corruption deeds.


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Prosecutors Extend Ban To Leave Romania For Ex Agric Min

Muresan, minister of agriculture between 1996 and 2000, said upon exiting the headquarters of the National Anticorruption Department that he intends to appeal the decision in court.

On December 12, the Bucharest Courthouse approved the official’s request to change the interdiction to leave the Baia Mare town with the interdiction to leave the country.

Muresan is charged with facilitating a transaction between agriculture minister Decebal Traian Remes and businessman Ciorba Gheroghe and thus committing influence peddling.

Prosecutors say Muresan is guilty of taking a certain sum of money, EUR15,000 respectively, from Gheorghe and afterwards giving it as bribe to the respective dignitary, so that the latter would enable Gheorghe to win several public bids.

Muresan is investigated al large as the Bucharest Court of Appeals rejected prosecutors’ request for preventive arrest.


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