Romanians Spent 5% Less On Fast Moving Consumer Goods In 2010 – GfK
Fast moving consumer goods spending dropped 4% in the first half of 2010 and 6% in the second half of the year, following the implementation of a set of harsh austerity measures.
Romanians spent 19% less on deodorant, 14% less on shampoo, 12% less on soap and toothpaste and 11% less on personal care products. They also spent 6% less on beverages.
Household cleaning product and food spending registered the smallest decrease (-4% and -3% respectively).
The research shows Romanians spent 17% less on chocolate.
In 2010, modern retail – hypermarkets, supermarkets and discount stores – accounted for 45% of fast moving consumer goods spending, up two percentage points compared to 2009.
GfK Romania, founded in 1992, is part of the GfK Group.