PSD proposes to the Orban Cabinet a set of measures to combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

Interim Social-Democratic Party (PSD) head Marcel Ciolacu has said he expects Ludovic Orban Government to take action after Saturday's installing and proposes a set of measures.


Imaginea articolului PSD proposes to the Orban Cabinet a set of measures to combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

PSD proposes to the Orban Cabinet a set of measures to combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

"These days, we must all show responsibility and unity at the institutional and human level. PSD proposes a set of priorities that should be taken over and implemented urgently by the Orban Government. There are financial support measures, which must be granted to companies with losses caused by the pandemic, as well as support measures for the population.

All these measures must be taken NOW! To be effective! Any postponement will have huge negative consequences on the Romanian economy and on the Romanians!", Marcel Ciolacu stated in a video message transmitted on Facebook.

The measures proposed by the PSD:

- Suspension for up three to six months the bank debt payments.
- freezing prices for utilities - gas, energy, telephone, TV and Internet - for a period of up to three to six months.
- The Liberal National Party (PNL) to give up the measure regarding the liberalization of prices for utilities from July 1, as the liberalization would lead to an explosion of prices!
- granting a technical unemployment, paid by the state in a proportion of 75%, for a certain period
- repayment of VAT and of the remaining medical leave
- postponement of the CAS and CASS payments for the companies in the affected fields of activity and the establishment by clear criteria in these areas".

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