Public Finance Employees Stage Protests in Cluj and Iasi

Hundreds of employees of Romania’ Public Finance Administration held protests in Cluj and Iasi on Tuesday over concerns of a bill which would abolish regional finance directorates.


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Public Finance Employees Stage Protests in Cluj and Iasi

More than 200 employees of the Cluj Public Finance Administration suspended their work for an hour on Tuesday, due to uncertainty regarding their future employment status.

Union leader Ilie Rostogol told MEDIAFAX that a spontaneous protest which lasted approximately one hour was organized in front of the institution’s headquarters.

“The worst part is that they (the regional finance directorates, ed.) will be abolished, but we do not know what will happen with us in the following period, it is a problem of jobs (…) It is a political decision,” he said.

He added that union leaders will meet with Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici to discuss the subject on Tuesday.

A similar protest with about 200 employees also took place at the Iasi Public Finance Directorate.

Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici said on Tuesday an administrative reform of Romania’s fiscal administration is necessary and said that public finance employees must respect their work obligations.


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