Prima pagină » English » Raed Arafat: It is not necessary for Bucharest and Ilfov county to be in quarantine now

Raed Arafat: It is not necessary for Bucharest and Ilfov county to be in quarantine now

It is not required that Bucharest and Ilfov county be quarantined at this time, says Raed Arafat, secretary of state in the Ministry of Interior Affairs.
Raed Arafat: It is not necessary for Bucharest and Ilfov county to be in quarantine now

Raed Arafat said on Wednesday in a press statement to the MAI that Bucharest and Ilfov county should not be quarantined. When such transmission of coronavirus occurs in the community, such a measure may be adopted.

„If there will be sustained, intense transmission in the community, such measures may be taken. But it is not necessary, we do not have the scenario”, Raed Arafat has said.

Currently, there are 31 people confirmed with the new coronavirus in Romania, most of them in Bucharest.