„Certificates are likely to be introduced as of March 30 if we meet all the government-imposed requirements. We have the software, we have the guidelines, we have the legislation, technically speaking, we are ready,” Andreica said during a seminar Wednesday.
He said it’s hard to say whether the country has enough energy auditors but applications are being accepted for auditor courses to take place in February and March and about 200 auditors are expected to be certified. Andreica said Romania currently has 620 auditors.
„If conditions are met and certificates may be introduced without blocking the market, we’ll propose their introduction as of March 30,” the state secretary said.
Romania’s Development and Tourism minister Elena Udrea said Friday she hopes the Government can implement mandatory energy certification for buildings in one month due to faster energy efficiency calculation procedures and an increasing number of energy auditors.
People close to the matter told MEDIAFAX two weeks ago the Government had postponed talks on making energy certification for buildings mandatory as of March, saying procedures to apply the new system are not clear enough and the country lacks a sufficient number of energy auditors. The postponement was later confirmed by the environment minister and the Government’s spokesperson.
The sources said Romania might ask the European Commission for an extension for the introduction of energy certification if procedures last too long.
The law on energy certification states that an energy certificate is required for any for all real estate transactions. The certificate tells the prospective buyer or tenant about the apartment’s energetic efficiency, expressed generally through the total yearly energy consumption, in kilowatts per hour per square meter, integrating it into an energetic class (from the A- high-efficiency class to the G- low efficiency class).
The law was supposed to become effective on January 1, 2010, but the Government decided in December to postpone it for January next year after notaries warned mandatory certification would lead to 5% to 10% price hikes for old buildings and would block the country’s real estate market.
Most buildings in Romania fall into the C and D efficiency classes, with annual energy consumption of over 200 kilowatts per square meter. According to an emergency decree passed last year, the government targets annual energy consumption at less than 100 kilowatts per square meter.
Energy certificates are valid for ten years and are issued by certified energy auditors.