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Hungarian Minority Party Would Support No-Confidence Motion In Case of Mayoral Elections Decree

The Lower Chamber leader of Romania’s main Hungarian minority party UDMR, Attila Korodi, stated on Friday that the party would vote a no-confidence motion against the Orban cabinet, if the executive takes responsibility before the Parliament with a bill re-establishing two-round mayoral elections.
Hungarian Minority Party Would Support No-Confidence Motion In Case of Mayoral Elections Decree
Ionut Preda
06 dec. 2019, 18:26, English

Korodi told Antena 3 that UDMR has a political agreement with the Liberal Party to maintain the current first-past-the-post mayoral elections systems, which the party expects to be respected.

“We have a written agreement on the subjective and it is somewhat normal for our reaction to be firm and accordingly, when we are talking about changing the electoral system one year before (the elections, ed.). Such a decision would be unconstitutional, we already have a 2012 Constitutional Court decision on the matter. That is why we will use all the democratic instruments we have to block it, because you should not make unconstitutional decisions just for the sake of it. But this is not a warning. It is a reaction to something that will most likely not happen,” said Korodi.

The UDMR MP also said that the party does not have a problem with snap elections, in case the liberals are trying to have deliberately have a no-confidence motion passed in order to force the government’s dismissal.

Political sources told MEDIAFAX that the Orban Government is considering taking responsibility before the parliamentary for several bills in early 2020, including one which re-establishes a two-round voting system for mayoral elections.

According to the Romanian Constitution, a bill assumed by the Government before the Parliament will be considered passed if the executive is not dismissed through a no-confidence motion filed within the following three days.