Unionists To Protest If Romanian Govt Assumes Responsibility For Current Wage Draft Law

Publicat: 04 09. 2009, 20:55
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:28

Marica said after talks at the Labor Ministry that the base quotient for people with higher education was hiked in the current draft law from 1.50 to 1.75, whereas 2 should be the right quotient, adding that their wages should be at least twice higher than the minimum salary.

According to government members, the draft is to be completed by Friday at 10 pm local time, so that the final version of the law is made public on Saturday at 10 am, Marica said.

Marica said the salaries of the public sector employees will not be diminished from the current ones, according to the draft law, but they won’t be hiked either next year.

As regards the public servants, Marica said he succeeded in increasing certain quotients, but not where he wanted, adding that quotient 1 remains the equivalent of the minimum salary, which will not remain at 600 lei (EUR1=RON4.2436) in 2010.

The ministers of labor, education and justice had talks with unionists on Friday on the unitary wage grid.

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc called an informal meeting with the ministers Saturday at the government headquarters to analyze the final form of the laws for which the government intends to take responsibility, official sources told MEDIAFAX.

"All ministers have already been called for an informal reunion Saturday where they would analyze the final form of the draft laws,” the quoted sources said.

Boc announced Wednesday the government will take responsibility before Parliament for the three law packs regarding national education, unitary wage and the reorganization of government agencies with the reduction of spending in the public sector.