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Issues On Romanian Side Further Delay President Basescu’s Visit To Ukraine – Ambassador

Markiyan Kulyk, Ukraine’s ambassador to Bucharest, told MEDIAFAX in an interview that the main reasons for the delay of the Romanian president’s visit to Ukraine endure because of the Romanian side.
Issues On Romanian Side Further Delay President Basescu’s Visit To Ukraine - Ambassador
19 aug. 2009, 16:17, English

Kulyk said the visit of president Traian Basescu, planned for the beginning of this year, was postponed because an agreement on the Treaty on the small frontier traffic does not exist and because the joint presidential commission has not convened, which was a precursory step to the meeting of the two presidents.

Kulyk explained one of the disagreements between Romania and Ukraine is the inclusion in the treaty of a stipulation regarding the possibility of a 90-day stay within a six-month interval.

He said the Romanian side does not agree on imposing a time-frame of six months, which represents discrimination from Ukraine’s perspective, as it practically makes possible for certain citizens to live de facto in another state.

On the other hand, Kulyk said another problem is the fact that Romania wants the introduction in the treaty of a list that would include Romanian consulates whose opening has not been approved by Kiev.

With regard to the joint presidential commission, the ambassador said the two commissions that have not convened are those for minorities and the environment protection.

Kulyk said the Ukrainian ministers in the respective sectors invited the Romanian counterpart several times for talks in Kiev in February, March and June, and were asked to postpone the meeting over the busy schedule.

In this context, the Romanian ambassador declined to express his opinion regarding a possible visit of president Basescu to Ukraine this year, adding that, as both countries are holding presidential elections, it is better to solve the problems on the agenda and later set a date for a presidential meeting.