Foreign Purchase Of Romania Shrs, Bonds 4-Mos RON207.8M Vs RON1.11B On Yr

Publicat: 02 06. 2008, 13:22
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 08:54

The negative result was fueled by the decrease of the Bourse that mirrored emerging markets.

The volume of shares and bonds bought by nonresidents was down 2.7-fold in the first four months of 2008. They sold a total of RON921.4 million in the first four months of the year, compared with RON2.47 billion the same period a year before.

On the year, the volume of shares and bonds sold by foreign investors in the first four months of 2008 was down 17.6% to RON1.12 billion, from RON1.36 billion in the same period a year before.

In 2007, foreigners bought shares and bonds worth RON7.8 billion, more than double the RON3.69 billion level the previous year. They sold RON6.3 billion last year up from RON3.18 billion in 2006.