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Romanian Radicalism, Proselytism Seen Rising, Attack Risks Remain Low – Intelligence Chief

Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) director George Maior said Wednesday that, in connection with the placement of US missile shield elements on Romanian soil, the SRI is making preparations to face offensive espionage actions.
Romanian Radicalism, Proselytism Seen Rising, Attack Risks Remain Low – Intelligence Chief
24 mart. 2010, 16:23, English

„The current vulnerabilities in the economic and public administration context are overlapped with a diversification in the forms and groups of organized crime, with implications on important risk segments, from proliferation to illegal migration and widespread tax evasion. Economic security, especially the risks in the energy zone, constitutes a strategic priority for the SRI. We must be prepared to respond to any offensive espionage actions and intelligence aggressions, especially in the outlook of the dynamics seen in various strategic process on an Euro-Atlantic level. Here, I especially refer to the developments regarding the missile shield that will be placed on Romanian soil,” Maior said.

Maior added that, regarding the terrorist phenomenon, in Romania there can already be seen more powerful forms of radicalization and proselytism, also manifested in cyberspace.

„The likelihood of an attack, however, remains low, but we must not neglect such risks, against which prevention remains our fundamental goal,” Maior added.

The SRI director concluded saying that there is a series of risks that the SRI cannot directly tackle with the required expertise, but whose importance is not reduced, such as ecologic risks, disease outbreaks and regional development imbalances, adding that the Romanian Intelligence Service could partner up with other special institutions, including in academic environments, through joint research programs on these topics.