Renault Opens Local Car Testing Unit In S Romania

Renault Technologie Roumanie (RTR) opened Wednesday a local car testing unit in Titu, southern Romania, which stretches onto 350 hectares of land and in which French carmaker Renault, owner of local carmaker Dacia, invested EUR166 million so far.


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Renault Opens Local Car Testing Unit In S Romania

The unit in Titu, which is Renault's second such unit as importance after the engineering center in France, will start its first tests in October and the investment in the center is to near half a million euros.

By the end of the year, the center in Titu will employ 300 people. Renault Technologie Roumanie employs over 2,000 engineers in its Romanian units.

The center was opened Wednesday in the presence of President Traian Basescu and former prime minister Calin Tariceanu.

Basescu said privatizing Dacia was one of the best decisions the country's governments made after 1989. Basescu, who was Dacia's first client for its SUV before the model was officially launched, said he is very happy with his car and asked the company to make it available in fiery red for anyone who requests it. Basescu's car color is not part of Dacia's production line.

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