Renault Plans to Launch 100% Electric Dacia Model in 2021-2022

Renault plans to launch a fully electric Dacia model in 2021-2022, the carmaker announced Friday along with its earnings report.


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Renault Plans to Launch 100% Electric Dacia Model in 2021-2022

The Dacia range is set to include a hybrid model, most likely the next Duster facelift, and a fully electric model, the future Dacia Urban City car.

Starting 2021, European automakers will have to meet the new carbon dioxide emission requirements of 95 grams/kilometer. The current European average is about 120g of CO2 per kilometer.

Automobile Dacia general manager Christophe Dridi said in an interview in November Dacia would implement along with Renault the “electrification” of the range in the coming period and the brand would have both a hybrid and a fully electric model.

Electric and hybrid vehicles in Romania made up 3% of total car registrations in 2019.


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