Renault Romania Welcomes Triple Tax On Used Cars

Renault Romania on Wednesday welcomed the government’s decision to triple a registration tax on used cars, saying the measure will reduce used car imports and will help the local ailing auto industry.


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Renault Romania Welcomes Triple Tax On Used Cars

The “justified” government initiative will have a positive impact on the Romanian car industry, road safety and the environment, Renault Romania said in a statement.
Also, the new tax will boost new car sales, which are currently “free falling”, Renault’s commercial manager Jacques Daniel said.
The Romanian car industry took a severe hit over the past months, while French Renault’s local unit Dacia had to halt production thrice so far on falling demand.
Job losses and activity shutdown for car parts suppliers are further effects of the economic crisis in the auto industry.
Early December, the Romanian government decided to triple the pollution tax on used cars to boost new car sales and aid the local auto industry.
The act, enforced December 15, triggered a series of protests nationwide.
The authorities in Bucharest prepare to unveil a EUR123.3 million bailout plan to help Dacia and four car parts suppliers support their output and product diversification, ministerial sources told Mediafax Wednesday.

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