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Overnight Deposits At Romania Ctrl Bk Skyrocket In ’10 To RON387.3B

Overnight deposits at Romania’s central bank reached a combined amount of 387.29 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.2580) in 2010, seven times more than in the previous year, which points to an average daily liquidity excess of RON1.06 billion, according to central bank data.
Overnight Deposits At Romania Ctrl Bk Skyrocket In ’10 To RON387.3B

In 2009, banks made overnight deposits worth a total RON55.92 billion at the central bank.

The central bank no longer unfolded reverse repo operations, meant to sterilize the excess liquidity in the market, in 2010, but performed repo operations, injecting cash, in five months.

Furthermore, the banks took short-term loans worth just RON1.86 billion last year, after not having used the facility for 10 months.

On the other hand, the overall amount of household and corporate loans rose by just RON8.04 billion in the first eleven months of 2010, to RON207.9 billion at the end of November.