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Thermal Pwr Consumption In Romania Down By Over 25% In Last Three Yrs

The average thermal power consumption in Romania went down by over 25% during the last three years, according to the Romanian Association of Thermal Power Metering Services Providers (ANPSC).
Thermal Pwr Consumption In Romania Down By Over 25% In Last Three Yrs
04 mart. 2008, 21:31, English
Thus, if in 2003, the annual average consumption per apartment reached 10.84 gigacalories, the consumption lowered to eight gigacalories in 2007.

The Association Tuesday held talks with the media to provide correct information on the individual thermal power metering system and find solutions for thermal power reduction.

The data offered by the Association indicate that the average thermal power consumption lowered by over 25% during 2006 – 2007, compared with 2003 – 2004.
The individual thermal power metering system was introduced in Romania in 1995, and it currently covers 42% of total dwellings connected to the centralized heating system.
According to the Association, the average thermal power consumption per apartment in Bucharest reached 1.77 gigacalories in January 2004, while in January 2008, the consumption lowered to 1.37 gigacalories in similar weather conditions. 
Thermal power prices are set at local level by each supplier and subsequently approved by the national energy regulatory authority.
In Romania, the thermal power metering system faces a series of problems at local level, which hinders checkups on the individual consumption and eventually affects thermal power bills, the Association said.