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Romanian Anti-Communist Hero Refuses Decoration From Pres

Romanian anti-communism fighter Vasile Paraschiv refused Monday the Star of Romania in the rank of Knight offered to him by President Traian Basescu, mentioning that he refuses to receive it "from a communist just like all those who ran the country since the Revolution."
Romanian Anti-Communist Hero Refuses Decoration From Pres
01 dec. 2008, 19:11, English

President Traian Basescu handed a series of distinctions to Romanian cultural and artistic personalities, including Radu Beligan, Nicolae Manolescu, Mariana Nicolesco, Lucian Pintilie, Marin Moraru. In addition, anti-communism fighter Vasile Paraschiv received the "National Order Star of Romania in the rank of Knight.”

The distinctions were handed by the head of state to the participants present at the Cotroceni Palace. After handing the decorations, the head of state held a speech, followed by a speech by Radu Beligan.
When Beligan concluded his speech, Vasile Parashiv said: "Mister President, I thank you for the decoration you have decided to offer me today, but I am obligated to refuse receiving it from a communist, just like all those who ran the country from the Revolution until now, against whom I fought since 1968 and will continue to fight by legal and democratic means until my heart stops beating. I am not a dog to whom you throw a piece of meat to stop from barking, remain silent and allow you to enter the master’s yard and steal everything. I do not desire decorations, money and positions from you mister President. I desire justice and truth for the entire people, namely the things you promised to the people in November 2004 and which drew me like a magnet, but unfortunately you have not kept your promise, you have lied to me and misled me, as well as the entire people, with promises you have never kept," Vasile Paraschiv said in his speech.
He added he will stop reading his speech because, even though he is a free man, he is not allowed to speak.
Paraschiv mentioned that the head of state invited him to his office in a few days, to talk about his decision to refuse the honor.
Paraschiv’s statements caused a stir among the people present at Cotroceni.
In reply, Basescu thanked Paraschiv for his words and for his attendance at the Cotroceni ceremony, adding that he is always welcome at his office.
Paraschiv replied he expects an invitation to meet with the head of state, to which Basescu answered: "No, I repeat, you are always welcome."
Basescu added he respects the symbols of the Romanian state and when he grants honors he does not do it in his own name, but in the name of the Romanian state.
He told Paraschiv that the honor is not granted by Traian Basescu but by the head of state, in the name of the Romanian people.
Basescu added everyone should respect the symbols of the Romanian state.
After this incident, the head of state drank a cup of champagne with the people decorated, while Paraschiv distributed to the media the speech he read in front of the President.
At the end of the ceremony, Paraschiv returned the decoration to the President.
Vasile Paraschiv sjoined the movement initiated by writer Paul Goma in 1977 to defend human rights in Romania.
In 1971 was the first one to rally for the free unions in Nicolae Ceausescu’s Romania.