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Romanian Govt Introduces New Eligibility Conditions For Program Helping Students Buy Computers

The Romanian Government introduced new conditions to be considered in the program by which students coming from families with low incomes are granted EUR200 to purchase computers.
Romanian Govt Introduces New Eligibility Conditions For Program Helping Students Buy Computers
30 mart. 2010, 09:44, English

The Government decided that aspects such as absences or final grades will be taken into account when selecting the students that will benefit from the EUR200 aid to buy a computer.

Moreover, the Executive also decided to consider „potential revenues” when setting the level of family income which will make a student eligible for the program.

Applications to be granted the state aid must be submitted by April 21 and the EUR200 vouchers will be issued in the June 24 and July 30 interval.

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said last week the Government decided to continue the program by which students coming from families with low incomes are granted EUR200 to purchase computers.

The EUR200 vouchers to buy a computer will be granted to 25,000 Romanian students facing financial problems, said the prime minister, highlighting the vouchers can be used exclusively for this purpose.

In July 2009, the Government planned to cancel the program to revise student selection criteria and minutely assess the financial situation of the applicants.

IT producers and wholesalers disapproved with the Government’s proposition to suspend the 2009 program and urged the education minister to reconsider the plan which was eventually given up.