Robbers Blow Up Bucharest ATM, Steal More than RON350,000

An unusual heist in Eastern Bucharest resulted in a commercial bank losing more than RON350,000 after currently unknown robbers blew up one of its ATMs in the capital on Monday morning.


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Robbers Blow Up Bucharest ATM, Steal More than RON350,000

According to the Bucharest Police, the incident happened on Theodor Pallady Boulevard, around 4.20 local time. Bucharest Police Precinct 13 was alerted to the fact that a very powerful sound was heard from an ATM in the area, and after preliminary investigations founds that the ATM was missing sums both in national and foreign currency after the incident.

The final total value of damages will be assessed by the bank.

The Bucharest Police’s Criminal Investigation Service launched an inquiry into the case for offences of destruction of property and robbery.


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