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Romanain PM: Dr. Raed Arafat Rejoins Health Ministry

Dr. Raed Arafat, who resigned prom the position of Health Ministry deputy secretary of state last week, will return to the ministry to fill the same position, Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday.
Romanain PM: Dr. Raed Arafat Rejoins Health Ministry

The prime minister said Arafat will participate in drafting a new healthcare bill.

According to Boc, Dr. Andrei Georgescu, who was appointed deputy secretary of state after Arafat’s resignation, will return to the Bucharest University Emergency Hospital to coordinate the hospital’s emergency room.

People close to the matter told MEDIAFAX earlier Tuesday Arafat met with Boc and agreed to return to the ministry.

Arafat was willing to return to the position of deputy secretary of state, and a decision on the matter will be taken by the prime minister, said the sources.

Health Minister Ladislau Ritli was not present at the meeting.

Arafat resigned last week due to his opposition to the emergency care provisions of the previous healthcare bill, which was put up for public debate in late December and withdrawn on the request of President Traian Basescu Friday evening, after popular demonstrations against it.

The prime minister announced Monday the health minister will set up a team tasked with drafting a new healthcare bill, with input from social partners, associations of patients and doctors.

The prime minister said Arafat is welcome to join the ministry again and participate in drawing up a new bill.