Romania: 14 new cases of coronavirus. The total number reaches 260
Until Wednesday, 260 cases of persons infected with COVID-19 were confirmed in Romania. Of the 260 citizens who contacted the virus, 19 were declared healed and left the hospitals.
Since the last information, 14 new cases have been confirmed, of which: seven in Bucharest, three in Braşov, two in Constanţa, one in Maramureş and Dolj.
All newly confirmed positive persons with COVID-19 are either contacts of positive cases or quarantined persons. Newly confirmed patients range in age from two years to 57 years.
In the territory of Romania, in institutionalized quarantine there are 3.510 persons for whom checks are done to detect if they have contacted the virus COVID-19 (coronavirus).
Other 26.545 people are in isolation at home and are under medical supervision.
To date, 4.670 tests have been processed at national level. Of these, 4.410 were negative, i.e. the persons from whom the analyzed samples were taken are not infected with COVID-19. The tests were performed in eight health units in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Timişoara, Craiova, Iaşi and Constanţa, including the Cantacuzino Institute.
In the stock of the medical units that carry out the diagnosis, there are currently 3.746 molecular diagnostic tests.
„We mention that SC Unifarm SA permanently acquires and distributes diagnostic tests to the health units, based on order. So far, through the authorized structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 51 criminal files have been drawn up, under the aspect of committing the crime of denial of disease control, a fact stipulated and punished by art. 352 para. 1 Criminal Code. Also, the health inspectors from the public health departments applied fines amounting to 1.835.000 lei to 120 persons for non-compliance with the measure of self-isolation”, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) states.
Until 18 March 18, 70.989 cases were reported in the EU / EEA, United Kingdom, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland, Andorra. Most cases are registered in Italy, France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom.