Romania: 188 people, fined in Bucharest for leaving the house without a written declaration

The Capital City police fined 188 people who left the house on Monday evening after 22.00 hour and did not have their own declaration completed. The fines exceed 230.000 lei.


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Romania: 188 people, fined in Bucharest for leaving the house without a written declaration

The military ordinance that has come into force on Monday states that, when leaving home after 22.00, all persons must have completed a declaration on their own responsibility and a certificate from the employer.

In total, 188 people were fined on Monday night by police in Bucharest because they left the house without having the declaration on their own responsibility completed.

In total, the amount of fines is over 230.000 lei.

Until now, these restrictions were only at the recommendation level, but president Klaus Iohannis announced tightening the measures.

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