Of the 1.292 people confirmed positively in Romania, 115 were declared cured and discharged. These are 53 patients from Timişoara, 41 from Bucharest, 7 from Iaşi, 6 from Craiova, 6 from Constanţa and 2 from Cluj.
By Friday, 24 people diagnosed with COVID-19 infection and pre-existing chronic diseases, hospitalized in hospitals in Craiova, Bucharest, Iaşi, Suceava, Arad, Bacău, Cluj, Timişoara and Neamţ died.
Since the last information sent by the Strategic Communication Group, there have been 263 new cases of illness in patients aged 0 to 94 years.
„At ATI, at this moment, 32 patients are admitted, of which 24 are in serious condition. The health of the other patients is good, stationary”, announces GCS.
In Romania, there are 7.219 person in institutionalized quarantines, and another 124.320 people are in isolation at home and under medical supervision.
Until Friday, at national level, 17.453 tests were processed, of which 1.006 in private medical units.
Up to Friday, 199 criminal files were filed to prevent disease control, and the Police and the Gendarmerie applied 2.866 penalties for non-compliance with quarantine / isolation measures.
Since the entry into force of the Military Ordinance no. 3, the police found 13.611 persons who did not comply with the measure regarding the restriction of the movement. They have applied contraventional sanctions amounting to 17.256.424 lei.
Regarding the situation of Romanian citizens in other states, according to information obtained by the diplomatic missions and consular offices of Romania abroad, up to now, 59 Romanian citizens have been confirmed as infected with COVID-19 (coronavirus): 44 in Italy, 4 in Spain, 2 in Namibia, 2 in Indonesia, 3 in France and one in Tunisia, Ireland, the United Kingdom and Luxembourg. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) epidemic, up to this time, 11 Romanian citizens abroad, 8 in Italy, 2 in France and one in the United Kingdom have died.