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- BUCHAREST, (18.03.2020, 12:37)
- Departamentul Externe
Online news - Breaking news and last minute updates - Last update: 5:01, 1 februarie 2025
Romania: 29 new coronavirus cases. The number reaches 246
The Strategic Communication Group has announced, on Wednesday morning, 29 new cases of coronavirus in Romania compared to the last report, currently being 246 people confirmed with the new virus.
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According to the GCS, until Wednesday morning, 246 cases of people infected with COVID-19 (coronavirus) have been confirmed.
Since the last information transmitted, another 29 new cases of illness have been registered.
The GCS also announced that of the 246 positively confirmed persons, 19 were declared cured and discharged.
In Romania, there are 3.441 people in institutionalized quarantine, for whom checks are done to detect if they have contacted the virus COVID-19 (coronavirus). Other 23.679 people are in isolation at home and are under medical supervision.
"At the same time, following the notification of border guards from Cluj-Napoca airport, based on the Order of the Minister of Health no. 7 of 11.03.2020, the Department of Public Health ordered the stopping of the transport of packages, which were to be sent to Italy and contained 10.000 surgical masks, 17.000 housekeeping masks, 400 disposable masks, 45 medical protective suits, 400 footwear protections", the GCS representatives said.
To date, 41 criminal files have been drawn up for refusal to prevent disease control.
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