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Romania To Amend Car Pollution Tax, Following CJEU Ruling

Romania's Government has decided to amend the car pollution tax again in a few weeks, after the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) judged it in violation of community legislation.
Romania To Amend Car Pollution Tax, Following CJEU Ruling

Government spokeswoman Ioana Muntean said the Executive is working on a bill that abides by the Court’s judgment.

Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely told MEDIAFAX that he has several working drafts of the bill and the final version will be presented to the Government in about two weeks. He added there has been no backlash from the European Commission regarding this tax and the purpose of the change is only to clarify the procedure as far as the courts are concerned.

The minister welcomed the Constitutional Court’s ruling on Wednesday, rejecting claims of unconstitutionality raised against Government Emergency Ordinance no. 50/2008 on the pollution tax.