Romania, accepted into the Schengen Area

Romania has been accepted into the Schengen Area. The decision was made on Thursday at the JHA Council in Brussels. The official announcement will be made by the authorities at the end of the meeting.


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Romania, accepted into the Schengen Area

The decision on the extension of the Schengen area with land borders also concerns Bulgaria. Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, was among the first to congratulate the two countries. It is well deserved, Metsola said.

The decision will apply starting from January 1 next year. However, random checks will still be carried out for another six months,

"We are ready to enter the Schengen area, Romania will be a strong partner, and the security of our borders is among the first in Europe", said the Minister of the Interior, Cătălin Predoiu, before the JHA Council meeting on Thursday.

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