Romania Allots 7.1% Of GDP For Investments - Fin Min

Romanian Government allotted about 38 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.1263), or 7.1% of the gross domestic product, for public investments in 2009 following the budget revision approved Saturday, Finance Minister Gheorghe Pogea said Tuesday.


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Romania Allots 7.1% Of GDP For Investments - Fin Min

Out of the total amount, RON21.9 billion will be from internal sources, RON3.7 billion in EU pre-accession funds, RON8.2 billion from post-accession funds, while RON4.1 billion will be covered by reimbursable financing.

Pogea reiterated the public investments are the Government’s top priority for 2009.

Romania's 2009 budget was revised based on a 4% GDP contraction, to a RON531.3 billion GDP.

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