Romania Among States Which Implemented Most EU Directives On Internal Market – EC Report

Romania has a directive transposition deficit of only 0.3%, meaning it is among the member states with the least remaining unimplemented EU directives concerning the internal market, according to a Commission report, which also points out Romania is targeted in 21 infringement cases.


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Romania's transposition deficit of 0.3% is below the 1% target agreed upon by European leaders, which was to be achieved by 2009. According to a European Commission report published Monday, two of the remaining four directives concern motor vehicles; one concerns the environment and the last - financial services.

"In total, 16 Member States achieved or equaled their best result ever," said the report. The states are: Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Spain, France, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Finland and the United Kingdom.

On the other hand, the member states not in line with the 1% target are: Austria, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Luxembourg and Greece. "This being said, with the exception of Austria, all 7 Member States managed to considerably reduce their deficits," the report said.

Romania is fifth (out of 27) in a ranking of member states by least infringement cases and is currently a party in 21 such procedures. Of these, twelve concern the improper application of internal market norms; the other nine involve their improper transposition into national legislation.

The European Commission points out that member states "have never performed better in writing agreed Internal Market rules into national law on time, but still need to improve the way those rules are applied in practice."

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