Romania Beats Australia 2-1 At Hopman Cup

Romania’s Sorana Carstea and Victor Hanescu have beaten Australia’s Samantha Stosur and Lleyton Hewitt 7-5, 6-1 Saturday in mixed doubles to give Romania a 2-1 win in the opener of the Hopman Cup teams tennis tournament held in Perth, Australia.


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Romania Beats Australia 2-1 At Hopman Cup

Earlier Saturday, Cirstea beat Stosur 3-6, 6-4, 6-3 in singles to give Romania a 1-0 lead before Hewitt leveled with a 3-6, 6-3, 7-6 (2) win over Hanescu.

Cirstea and Hanescu then beat the Australians 7-5 6-1 in the deciding mixed doubles, leaving Australia facing a harsh battle if Stosur and Hewitt are to reach the final.

Australia, Spain, Romania and the U.S. are playing in Group A, while Russia, Britain, Germany and Kazakhstan make up Group B. The winners of each group play in next Saturday's final.

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