Romania Chamber Of Deputies Head Wants Discipline At Plenary Meetings

Romania’s Chamber of Deputies head, Roberta Anastase, said Wednesday that one of her objectives for the future parliamentary session is to render lawmakers’ attendance at plenary meetings more transparent by having their signatures scanned.


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Romania Chamber Of Deputies Head Wants Discipline At Plenary Meetings

Anastase stressed she wants both media and people to be constantly informed on lawmakers’ attendance, adding their signatures should be scanned and the attendance rate made public and checked by a division within the Chamber.
Moreover, Anastase eyes amending the Regulation of the Chamber in an attempt to build solid ties between the country’s legislative structure and the European Parliament, and also pointed out that transparency would go hand in hand with public spending from now on.
Anastase also said she wants to boost people’s confidence in the country’s Parliament through its good activity and transparency, adding she hopes her colleagues would back her in this respect.
She highlighted she wants the audio recording of the meetings of the Chamber’s Standing Office to be posted on its website to allow free access.

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