Romania Cos See Industry, Services Stable, Constr Negative In Sept-Nov

Romanian managers said they have a negative outlook on the construction sector, and a relatively stable view on the industrial and services sectors for the September-November period compared with the previous three months, the National Institute for Statistics, or INS, said Tuesday.


Imaginea articolului Romania Cos See Industry, Services Stable, Constr Negative In Sept-Nov

Romania Cos See Industry, Services Stable, Constr Negative In Sept-Nov

Moreover, they are slightly negative as regards the retail sector year-on-year in September to November.

Local managers expect prices to rise in industry, services and retail sectors, and to be stable in construction, in the analyzed period.

They also expect output to be negative in the construction and retail sector, and to be stable in industry and services in the September-November period.

Romanian managers expect the number of employees to be stable in the retail sector and to fall in the other three major economic sectors in the analyzed period.

INS interviewed 8,478 managers in the four Romanian major economic sectors.

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