Romania Ctrl Bk Gov Sees Annual Inflation Well Below 5% In Sept

Romania’s annual inflation rate dropped well below 5% in September and is expected to reach around 4% by yearend, central bank’s governor Mugur Isarescu said Tuesday.


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Romania Ctrl Bk Gov Sees Annual Inflation Well Below 5% In Sept

Speaking at the hearings for a new Board mandate in the parliament, Isarescu said the inflation is likely to narrow further over the coming months.

Romanian consumer price index fell by 19 basis points in August compared with July, on lower food prices, while the annual inflation narrowed to 4.96%, the lowest level since August 2007.

Early August, the central bank revised its forecast on the 2009 annual inflation rate to 4.3%, from 4.4% previously estimated.

The country's Statistics Institute is due to release September inflation data on October 12.

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