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Romania To Rely On Pwr Imports If Nukes Not Built – Nuclearelectrica

Romania will become dependent on electricity imports if nuclear reactors 3 and 4 are not built at Cernavoda nuclear power plant, according to Pompiliu Budulan, the general manager of state-owned nuclear energy company Nuclearelectrica, which is the plant’s operator.
Romania To Rely On Pwr Imports If Nukes Not Built - Nuclearelectrica
Ioana Tudor
29 mart. 2011, 16:28, English

During hearings at the Romanian Senate Tuesday, Budulan asked the media to stop the attacks against Nuclearelectrica. The company has been recently accused by the local media of irregularities on the purchase of some spare parts used in case of earthquake at Cernavoda’s unit 1.

Given that the thermal power plants have environment problems, Romania needs to complete the construction of reactors 3 and 4 at Cernavoda, „especially that it has the European Commission’s approval,” he added.

The construction of the two reactors, that will cumulate around 1,400 megawatts of installed power, will double the capacity of the Cernavoda plant. Currently, the plant in Cernavoda has two units that ensure around 20% of the country’s electricity production.

Works at nuclear reactors 3 and 4 are scheduled for completion in 2017.