Romania Delays Again Comarnic-Brasov Motorway Builder Selection

Romania has put on hold for the second time choosing the builder of a highway segment to link central cities Comarnic and Brasov, pending additional data from bidders, Transport Minister Radu Berceanu said Thursday.


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Romania Delays Again Comarnic-Brasov Motorway Builder Selection

“The issue is very complex and the auction committee requested further clarifications from the companies, because the offers stretch over tens of thousands of pages and not everything is very clear. I believe the bid will come close to completion,” Berceanu told a press conference.
He did not announce a new date for the constructor’s selection.
The latest official term expired on April 25.
Last year, Romania’s Transportation Ministry received three binding bids for the construction of Comarnic – Brasov motorway.
The bidders are consortiums Vinci Concession, Aktor Concession, Vinci Construction Grand Projets and Aktor, Strabag AG, Egis Projects, Eurovia Construct International and Housing&Construction Holding and Bilfinger&Berger and Porr.
The construction was estimated at EUR3.33 billion, VAT inclusive.
The motorway segment will have 58 kilometers, divided into two segments: one of 36.2 kilometers between Comarnic and Predeal and another one of 21.8 kilometers, between Predeal and Brasov.

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