Romania Durable Goods Market Grows 17% in Jan-Sept, to EUR2.2B

Publicat: 28 11. 2018, 12:39
Actualizat: 28 11. 2018, 12:40

In the third quarter alone, the durable goods market grew 14%, to EUR814 million.

Growth was mainly driven by the telecom sector and office equipment.

In the third quarter, the telecom sector grew 19%, to EUR340 million, and office equipment grew 17%, to EUR8 million.

On the other hand, the photo sector continued its decline, losing 10% in the third quarter compared with the same quarter of 2017.

Electronics grew nearly 12%, mainly on the television segment, which grew 12% on the year in the third quarter.

Household appliances grew 11% in the third quarter, to EUR182 million, while small appliances grew 8%, to EUR57 million.

In the first three quarters, the telecom sector grew 29% and office equipment grew 16%.