Romania Expects NATO To Extend Arm To Western Balkans - PM

Romanian expects NATO to extend invitations to partners in the Western Balkans, hoping Georgia and Ukraine would be offered closer ties with the Alliance, and Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia would receive clear signals in this respect, Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu said Wednesday.


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Romania Expects NATO To Extend Arm To Western Balkans - PM

Tariceanu also pleaded for increased cooperation with the Republic of Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Central Asian nations, as well as for renewed confirmation of the importance of the Black Sea region to Euro-Atlantic security.
"I have heard Romanians say these days that our country will be the center of the world these days. That is because they understand that by joining NATo and the European Union, Romania has finally found its rightful place in a community of nations whose universal values are strongly based on humanity,” Tariceanu said in the opening of the second day of the Transatlantic Forum "Bucharest Conference".
He added that the expansion of the NATO security “umbrella” over nations in the Balkans and the Black Sea region is a major premise for the consolidation of internal reform, social and economic stability and the consolidation of democratic values.
The Romanian head of government also mentioned NATO operations, saying the situation in Afghanistan gives way to cooperation between NATO, the E.U. and the U.N. to ensure stability and security in areas of common interest.

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