Prima pagină » English » Lukoil Romania Cuts Fuel Prices By Up To RON0.06 Per Liter

Lukoil Romania Cuts Fuel Prices By Up To RON0.06 Per Liter

Lukoil Romania, a unit of Russian oil company Lukoil Holdings, said Wednesday it cut its gasoline and diesel oil pump prices by 0.06 lei (EUR1=RON4.2229) and by RON0.03 per liter, respectively.
Lukoil Romania Cuts Fuel Prices By Up To RON0.06 Per Liter
02 sept. 2009, 12:38, English

Thus, COR 95 unleaded gas will cost RON3.87 per liter, while COR 98 unleaded gas Super Euroluk will cost RON4.33 per liter.

The diesel oil prices for Euro L Diesel and Super Euro L Diesel were cut to RON3.69 and RON3.98 per liter, respectively.

Lukoil owns over 300 gas stations in Romania and Petrotel-Lukoil refinery.