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Romania April Tax Revenue At RON13.2B, Below Target

Romania’s fiscal authority ANAF collected total taxes worth 13.21 billion lei (EUR1=RON4.1751) in April, below target, due to lower revenue from the profit tax and excise duties.
Romania April Tax Revenue At RON13.2B, Below Target
12 mai 2010, 15:43, English

ANAF planned to collect RON13.4 billion from taxes in April.

The authority said revenue from the profit tax reached RON2.32 billion, 13% lower than initially estimated. Also, the revenue from excise duties was 5.8% lower than planned, at RON1.25 billion.

On the other hand, ANAF collected RON1.47 billion from the tax on income and wages, 5% above the targeted amount. The revenue from the value added tax stood at around RON3 billion, up 6.2% compared with the amount initially estimated.

In the January-April period, ANAF collected total taxes and dues worth RON44.4 billion, 4% below the targeted amount.

Romania and the International Monetary Fund agreed to a budget deficit target of 6.8% of the gross domestic product for 2010, higher from an initial cap of 5.9% of GDP, as the IMF expects the country’s economy to stagnate or even contract slightly this year.