Romania Has Not Reached European Targets On E-Waste Collection - Environ Min

Romania collected 4,000 tons of electric and electronic waste by July this year, and has not met its European objective on this segment, Romania’s environment minister Korodi Attila said Saturday.


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Romania Has Not Reached European Targets On E-Waste Collection - Environ Min

Korodi said the quantity of electronic waste to be collected should double by the end of the year, as only 4,000 tons have been collected until now countrywide.

“We haven’t reached European targets, as currently in Romanian households there is not enough waste (electric and electronic waste - e.n.) to reach 4 kilograms per capita. Very few countries in Europe, and these are Western European countries, reach four kilograms of waste, but they have a tradition of 20-30 years of consumer education,” he added.

Korodi on Saturday gave the start of a campaign for the collection of electric and electronic waste from households in the counties Covasna and Arges, eastern and southern Romania respectively.

In April 2008, nearly 650 tons of electronic and household waste was collected from 110 localities countrywide, within the same campaign.

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