Romania Health Ministry State Secretary Quits

Romania’s Health Ministry state secretary Adrian Streinu-Cercel resigned his position Tuesday, less than a month after he was appointed.


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Streinu-Cercel told MEDIAFAX Tuesday he quit the position of state secretary with the Health Ministry.

Streinu-Cercel has been under intense public scrutiny lately as the number of AH1N1 flu infection cases in Romania has started increasing quite rapidly and he is the one calling the shots since the country's Health Ministry is run temporarily by acting Economy Minister Adriean Videanu.

Videanu and Streinu-Cercel are being heard by the Chamber of Deputies' health committee Tuesday regarding measures the ministry is taking to fight the epidemic.

Romania has registered 555 cases of AH1N1 infections since May when the first case of infection with the flu virus was reported, and 174 of them are undergoing treatment, while the rest are cured, Streinu-Cercel said Monday. The country has also put all its hospitals under quarantine to help prevent the spread of the virus.

The World Health Organization has so far counted over 6,000 fatal cases of AH1N1 flu worldwide.

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