Romania, Hungary, Serbia Might Draw Up Joint Social Security Plan

Serbia’s foreign affairs minister Vuk Jeremić said Saturday in Timisoara, western Romania, that Hungary, Serbia and Romania might draw up a joint social security plan.


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Romania, Hungary, Serbia Might Draw Up Joint Social Security Plan

Jeremić also said the plan could enhance labor exchanges between the three countries, stressing Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium already enforced this type of plan.
Furthermore, Jeremić said he is confident Hungary, Romania and Serbia will be able to achieve what Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium already achieved.
Romania’s foreign minister Cristian Diaconescu and his Serbian and Hungarian counterparts, Vuk Jeremić and Peter Balazs, respectively, on Saturday attended the trilateral reunion between Romania, Hungary and Serbia.
The three ministers also touched issues targeting the political situation in the region, Serbia’s European perspective, regional cooperation, the future European Union Strategy for the Development of the Danube Region, as well as the energy security issue.



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