The discussion was attended by Bucharest General Mayor Sorin Oprescu, Andrei Chiliman, Neculai Ontanu, Cristian Popescu Piedone, Cristian Poteras, the mayors of sectors 1, 2, 4 and 6, Stefan Dumitrascu, chief architect of sector 3, and Mihai Cristian Atanasoaei, prefect of Bucharest.
Atanasoaei cited a November 2009 report by the „Matei Bals” Institute, which said 10,000 people had been bitten by stray dogs since the start of the year. The prefect said he supports „immediate, firm action, even though it might be unpopular” and asked the sector mayors to send their amendment proposals to the prefect’s office.
Mayor Oprescu said expecting citizens to adopt stray dogs has not worked and proposed imposing more obligations upon pet owners, including fines should they refuse to neuter their pets. The general mayor added that the law on stray dogs would not be amended to introduce euthanasia.
Bucharest Sector 1 Mayor Andrei Chiliman said the changes to the law would primarily target procedures.
The Bucharest General Council approved last Wednesday a draft law which states strays and pet dogs may be neutered, cleaned of parasites and given a vaccine, free of charge.