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Romania’s Oct Avg Net Salary Up 1.2% MM To RON1,375

Romania’s net average salary was 1,375 lei (EUR1=RON4.2062) in October, up 1.2% from September, the National Institute for Statistics said Monday.
Romania’s Oct Avg Net Salary Up 1.2% MM To RON1,375
07 dec. 2009, 10:26, English

Also, the gross average salary rose 1.1% on the month in October, to RON1,881.

The average net salary in October was up 3.6% compared with the same month of 2008.

The salary increase was due to granting some bonuses, including vacation bonuses, in kind rights and financial aids from the salary fund, according to the statistics institute.

Employees in air transport industry saw the biggest average net salaries, at RON3,282, while the hotels and restaurants industry employees were at the opposite pole with RON769.

October net average salary in agriculture was up 2.9% on the month to RON1.010, while the employees in the energy sector saw a 2.4% salary increase on the month in October, to RON2,531.

Net salaries in industry averaged RON1,328 in October, down 0.2% from September.