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Romanian Public Sector Employees On General Strike On Oct 5

Romanian public sector employees will picket the Parliament on September 15, call general strike on October 5 and will then refuse to be involved in the presidential elections due on November 22, displeased with the draft law regulating wages in the public sector.
Romanian Public Sector Employees On General Strike On Oct 5
10 sept. 2009, 13:18, English

Aurel Cornea, leader of a union federation in the education sector, said Thursday that several unions representing public sector employees, affiliated to different national confederations, formed an alliance Thursday and urged the Government not to enact the current form of the unitary wage law by assuming responsibility in Parliament and renegotiate the law to ensure decent wages for all employees and consider the general principles agreed three months ago, when negotiations first started.

Union alliance members also called for a halt on layoffs in the public sector and said they do not accept the Government’s plan to have them take days off without pay.

The newly-formed alliance includes unions representing the interests of employees in education, health care, public finance, local administration, statistics offices and law enforcement.

The Government is still revising the draft law to include amendments that will be discussed in a cabinet meeting on Sunday. The Government will appear before Parliament on Tuesday, September 15, to assume responsibility for the enactment of the unitary pay law, and laws on education and public sector spending cuts.