Romania Invests EUR70-80M In Mountain Landscaping

The mayoralty of Romanian central city of Brasov will set up an auction on August to select the company that will execute landscape works for the city’s ski slopes, particularly the ski slopes in mountain resort Poiana Brasov.


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Romania Invests EUR70-80M In Mountain Landscaping

Brasov mayor George Scripcaru said the project worth EUR70-80 million will run for three years and targets to upgrade ski slopes and build a storage lake and a cable transport installation.

Works are estimated to reach EUR70 up to EUR80 million, VAT not included, and funds will be covered by the country’s Tourism Ministry, according to Scripcaru.

He said the first stage of works worth EUR2.5 million, which will be completed by the end of 2009, consists in building a storage lake in the Cristianul Mare Mountains, which will be connected to water installations in the area and will produce artificial snow for ski slopes in the area.

Furthermore, he said another three ski slopes will be set up in the area, adding they will link Poiana Brasov to Rasnov.

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